Monthly Archives: March 2013


Sales and Marketing are terms that are often used in place of one another. They are two very different and vital ingredients to growing a business. So let’s start with some definitions.

“MARKETING” is what you do to create an opportunity for a sale. This would include product development and pricing, advertising campaigns, image, etc.

“SALES” is converting an opportunity (or a lead) into a deal or closed sale.

Each is very important and dependent upon the other. What good is a lead if you don’t make the sale? What good is having a great sales team if you don’t have any leads? You need both; effective marketing and sales.

As a small business owner or manager you most likely assume both roles: Marketing Manger and Sales Manger. Of the two, we have found that sales is often the forgotten “step child”. Most small business owners realize they need to market their business.  They do so by advertising and they use a variety of media (direct mail, newspapers, door hangers) to generate leads. The problem is, they don’t spend enough time thinking about converting the leads that are generated, in other words selling.

Selling is a skill like any other. Contrary to popular belief, it is not about trying to manipulate someone to buy something. It is about identifying needs and then offering the best solution.

We have developed a Video Sales Training Series devoted to improving sales skills. Here is our latest offering. It’s only about 1.5 minutes long, so why not watch it now?