Distribute Your Door Hangers And Answer The Phone!

Door Hangers are an affordable and effective way to generate sales leads. Everyone wants a better response rate from their Door Hanger Marketing, yet many wind up losing sales because of the way they handle incoming phone calls.

Problem #1 – Voice Mail (a.k.a. The Answering Machine)
The internet has spoiled potential clients. On the internet, information is available with the click of a mouse. If they don’t find what they’re looking for, it’s on to the next website. The same reasoning applies to inbound phone calls from your door hanger distribution. You can create a lead with your door hanger, but If you’re not answering your phone, the prospect may hang up and dial your competitor.

Answer :
If you’re not in the office during regular business hours – forward calls to your cell phone. If you must use voice mail, make sure your message clearly informs the caller that you will get back to them promptly, ideally in 30 minutes or less.

Problem #2 – Your receptionist is probably not a sales person.
Taking a message for a call back is almost as bad as voice mail. Worse is having an untrained worker (who probably has other responsibilities) handle the calls from your door hanger campaign. If the person answering the call feels interrupted from their regular duties, they may be abrupt or impatient and chances for a sale are greatly reduced.

Make sales calls a priority. Put them through immediately to someone who is trained on the products and services featured on your door hanger campaign. Make sure they have a copy of the door hanger at their desk. If you don’t have full time sales people, offer a financial incentive to your employee(s) for each call that is converted to a sale.