Door Hanger Advertising Ideas For A Cleaning Service

girl-cleaningWhether you are targeting new residential or commercial clients, Door Hanger Distribution is a great way to get new customers for your cleaning service. Here are a few ideas that our clients have used successfully in the past.

  1. Concentrate Your Customers – Save Time, Save Gas, Clean More Homes!
    Distribute Door Hangers where you currently have the highest  concentration of customers.  Plan a distribution  to these neighborhoods every 4 – 5 weeks.
  2. Is Having A Cleaning Service  A Luxury?
    To many people it is, but it’s got to be an affordable luxury if you want them to consider it. Actually, for working couples with kids, a cleaning service has become less of a luxury and more of a necessity. Try using this headline: “Think You Can’t Afford A Cleaning Service… Call Us, You May Be Surprised!” Then go on to describe that you have programs available to fit most budgets. By varying what you clean, and how often you clean, you can make it affordable.
  3. Show A Price
    Give prospects an idea of the cost of your service. For example, “Most Homes In This Neighborhood Cleaned For $79 or Less!”.  In fact, you should include a menu of prices for a variety of services. Some will see a price and say, “that’s too expensive”, but others will remark “I didn’t realize it was so reasonable.” Prices pre-qualify prospects before they call.
  4. FREE Cleaning Service!
    You are probably thinking “…that’s easy for you to say”.  Try this offer: FREE CLEANING SERVICE (Headline) and then a disclaimer – For new customers. Get 2 cleanings at our regular low price and your 3rd cleaning is Free! That works out to a 33% discount. Plus, after 3 cleanings in a row, it is probably safe to say you’ve got a new regular customer.
  5. It’s All About You!
    Do you have a small operation? Try this headline to emphasize your personal service: “I Own The Company, I Clean The Homes, I Guarantee Your Satisfaction!” Include your photo and you will have a very powerful message on your postcard. If you have a crew, then show their photo. The more personal and professional your image, the more likely it is that a homeowner will trust you inside their home.
  6. Promote Your Website With Direct Mail
    Don’t have one? You should. And it should contain more than just a laundry list of your services. Include testimonials, cleaning tips, monthly specials on seasonal cleaning services and more.  The website should have plenty of good content that can be used to sell new clients and keep the ones you have.
  7. Offer Residential Service To Your Corporate Clients
    No corporate clients? How about a “Friends And Family” Promotion. Offer discounts to the friends and family of your current residential clients.

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