Share Your Door Hanger Distribution Costs

Door Hanger Advertising works great. So why aren’t you doing it more often? For many businesses the problem is distribution costs. If this is your problem, consider sharing the distribution cost and logistics with other businesses. Here’s how.

Plastic Door Hanger Bags Can Reduce Distribution Costs

Plastic Door Hanger Bags Can Reduce Distribution Costs

Instead of using regular door hangers, print flyers instead and then insert your flyer along with other businesses in a clear plastic door hanger bag. Go to for prices and ordering information.

This door hanger promotion method is a great way to promote an entire shopping plaza. By including offers from your business neighbors, the door hanger bag will contain more value for your prospects, and additional traffic will be created which can increase your response rate.

Another approach is to include businesses that you’re not in competition with, but are related to your product or service. For example, a Realtor may include a mortgage broker, insurance agent or home repair specialists. A chiropractor, might include other health care professionals such as a dentist, optometrist or medical office.

One final thought. Who’s going to be on the outside of the plastic door hanger bag? There are 2 sides.

Here are some suggestions:

1- You could rotate the prime positions.
2-Your distribution costs could also be reduced by charging a premium for those spots.
3-You could print an index page that might feature the theme and list all of the businesses inside the door hanger bag.
4- You could always just keep the best spot for yourself, after all it was your idea!