Door Hanger Advertising Ideas For A Computer Service & Repair Business

sick-computerHere are a few Ideas for a Computer Repair Service that have been used successfully by our clients. Use one or a combination, but don’t over crowd the door hanger with too much information. The door hanger must pass “The Glance Test”, which means the reader will know what the card is about with just a passing glance. This can make the difference between getting noticed or being tossed out as junk advertising.

  1. So Many Computers, So Many Opportunities!
    We’ve seen lots of computer technicians advertise their services with the headline: “PC PROBLEMS? CALL US!” This approach can yield results. With so many computers in service there is bound to be lots of folks with some sort of problem. However, why focus on just computer owners with problems? Instead, consider everyone with a computer as a prospect. Think about all the services you could provide in addition to fixing the broken ones. Services like: virus or spyware protection, networking, upgrades, wireless setup, installation of new equipment, training, backup solutions, the list goes on and on.
  2. Be “The Answer Man”
    Try this offer on your door hanger: “One Question Answered FREE By Phone”. Imagine, qualified leads calling you with their questions – what an opportunity!
  3. Show The Price
    Give prospects an idea of the cost of your service(s). For example, Computer Tune Up: $39, Regular Price: $59, Save: $20. In fact, you should include a menu of prices for a variety of services. Some will see a price and say, “that’s too expensive”, but others will remark “I didn’t realize it was so reasonable.” Prices pre-qualify prospects before they call.
  4. On Site Service – We Come To You!
    If you offer on site service, make sure you show it in a headline. If you can say “on site service at carry in rates” all the better.
  5. If We Can’t Fix It – No Charge!
    This removes the fear of a paying for a service call and being no better off after the tech leaves. You can get an idea of the problem over the phone, and most of the time know whether or not you can fix the problem. Remember, if it can’t be fixed, you might have an opportunity to sell them something new.
  6. Computer Service On Your Schedule: Evenings and Weekends
  7. Offer A Monthly Computer Tips Newsletter by Email
    Include a special of the month. A description of the newsletter and how to sign-up can be included on your door hanger. This is a great way to keep your service “top of mind” with clients.
  8. Offer Residential Service To Your Corporate Clients
    No corporate clients? How about a “Friends And Family” Promotion. Offer discounts to the friends and family of your current clients.

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