Door Hanger Advertising Ideas For A Lawn Service

man-on-riding-mowerThe success of a door hanger distribution campaign is determined by a number of factors, starting with having a clear objective for the campaign.  Once you have defined the goal of the campaign, the door hanger must be designed to motivate the prospect to respond to your call to action, for example, call on the phone, go to a website, go to your nursery, etc. We call this motivating offer “A Magnet”.

Here are a few Ideas and Magnets that have been used successfully by our clients. Use one or a combination, but don’t over crowd the postcard with too much information. The postcard must pass “The Glance Test”, which means the reader will know what the card is about with just a passing glance. This can make the difference between getting noticed or being tossed out as junk mail.

  1. Concentrate Your Customers – Save Time, Save Gas, Cut More Lawns!
    Distribute door hangers in the neighborhoods where you have the highest concentration of customers.  It’s probably better to have a smaller distribution area that you cover more frequently. Research has shown that it often takes 4 or 5 solicitations to get a prospect to respond.
  2. Are You Happy?
    If you are looking for new customers they fall into two categories: 1- Those that cut their own lawns and 2- Those that already have a lawn service. Go after group 2 with this message on your door hanger: “ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR LAWN SERVICE?  OUR CUSTOMERS ARE!  READ WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY: ” Written testimonials (a sentence or two) work great. If you can include photos of some of your customers and their lawns, even better.
  3. FREE Lawn Service!
    You are probably thinking “…that’s easy for you to say”.  Try this offer: FREE LAWN SERVICE (Headline) and then a disclaimer – For new customers. Get 2 cuts at our regular low price and your 3rd cut is Free! That works out to a 33% discount. Plus, after 3 cuts in a row, it is probably safe to say you’ve got a new regular customer.
  4. Need A Tune-Up?
    We thought this was a unique idea. Offer an on site lawn mower tune up service. In the process you will identify prospects that do their own lawn. This group can be targeted for additional services like landscaping, fertilization, spring and fall clean-ups, etc. And remember, just because they have a lawn mower does not mean they love doing the lawn. Tempt them with a special offer.
  5. Be Flexible On Pricing
    Offer one time pricing as well as contracts. By the way, if you are selling contracts, don’t call it a contract, call it a “Savings Package”.
  6. It’s All About You!
    Do you have a small operation? Try this headline to emphasize your personal service: “I Own The Company, I Cut The Lawns, I Guarantee Your Satisfaction!” Include your photo and you will have a very powerful message on your postcard.
  7. Promote Your Website On Your Door Hanger
    Don’t have one? You should. And it should contain more than just a laundry list of your services. Photographs of your work, testimonials, gardening tips, monthly specials on seasonal flowers and services and more.  The website should have plenty of good content that can be used to sell new clients and keep the ones you have.
  8. 5 To The Left & 5 To The Right
    Here’s an easy and effective way to enhance your distribution efforts. Everytime you cut a lawn, hang door hangers on  five homes on either side of the job your doing. Cut 5 homes a day and that’s 50 door hangers distributed, 250 in a week! In fact you might consider designing a door hanger for just that distribution plan. Use a title like “WE CUT YOUR NEIGHBOR’S LAWN TODAY AT ___________________ Would you like a FREE Estimate? We Have A Special Friends & Neighbors Rate For You!” Leave a blank line and fill in the actual address of the job you completed.