What type of special offers generate the most response?

Your experience as a business person and consumer is valuable. Share it by voting in our anonymous poll. Click the link at the bottom of this blog to cast your vote on which type of special offers work best. The results are updated in real time. So check back in a day or so and compare the most popular tactics with your own.

Everyday I speak to small business owners all over the U.S.A about Door Hanger Advertising. What question do I get asked the most? By a margin of more than 2 to 1, the most asked question is: “What kind of response will I get?”. I always give the same answer:  “….it depends on the strength of your Magnet”.

“Magnet” is the term we use to describe the lure, hook, special offer or incentive that will motivate the prospects you are targeting to respond to your advertising. Yes, it’s the bait that is most important when you are fishing for new customers.

The Magnet is probably the most important factor influencing the success of a door hanger distribution campaign. So how do you know if your Magnet is strong enough? It’s not rocket science. Test it. Show it to your family, friends, employees and even a few loyal customers. Look them in the eye. Tell them to be honest. And listen.

Discounts are probably the most common Magnet used in advertising. You can minimize lost revenue from discounts by limiting them to time periods when business is slow or to new customers only (but don’t forget to reward your loyal customers from time to time).

The way discounts are presented can make a big difference in the response generated. When using percentages, always give a reference price point. You may think 10% OFF is a great offer, but the prospect is thinking “10% OFF What?”. Are you afraid to show your prices? If so, why? (and don’t say because your product or service is too complicated) If you are advertising a great offer, make it big and bold and easy to understand.

In this economy, that last thing you probably want to do is cut your prices. So here are some other ideas.

  • A Unique, Interesting or One of a Kind Product of Service
    A pizza shop advertising their “Famous Upside Down Pizza” (are you curious?)
  • A Donation To A Worthy Cause
    We had a propane provider purchase a helmet liner for solders in Iraq and Afghanistan with every fill up.
  • A FREE In Home Estimate
    More valuable today than ever. I remodeled my kitchen recently and went to Lowe’s Home Improvement. I was surprised when I was told that I would have to pay for an in home estimate (that would be applied to my purchase) until they explained how much time was involved measuring and going over options. So if a Free Estimate is your Magnet, make sure you describe what’s involved and perhaps even put a dollar value on it.

If you are not getting the results you want from your advertising, take a look at your Magnet, some fine tuning may be in order. Resist the impulse to do what everyone else is doing. Run-of-the-mill Magnets will generate mediocre results. So be creative, generous and aggressive.

Take our poll (takes less than a minute) and see what business owners around the country think about using Magnets in their advertising. CLICK HERE!

Start Using QR Codes, They’re The Next “BIG Thing” In Advertising

My wife’s cell phone contract came up for renewal last month, so it was time to shop for a new plan and phone. Up to this point she was content with the call features, the ability to keep in touch with family and friends using texts and taking the occasional photo with the built in camera.

She wasn’t looking for the latest and greatest in technology. She has a laptop, but never thought she would need to go online with her phone. Didn’t matter. Remember that old saying,: “Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention”? Well, I’m convinced that in this day and age, we can change that to: “Invention Is The Mother Of Necessity”! In other words you don’t know you need it until someone shows you, you can’t live without it. You guessed it, the smart phone has arrived and the way the plans are priced, by the time you sign on the dotted line, you’ve got a phone that, in many cases, is faster and can do more than your old desk top computer at home.

What are QR Codes?

They look like this:qr-code-dh-blog

They come to us from Japan where they are very common. QR is short for Quick Response (they can be read quickly by a cell phone). They are basically a bar code, but can store much more data. Many cell phones today come with built in readers. QR readers can also be downloaded for free.

Back to my wife’s QR discovery moment. She’s at the store looking at some towels. She spots a QR Code on the tag which says, “Scan With Your Phone”. She does. Instantly she gets more information than anyone  should need to make a towel purchase, and in the process gets hooked!

With more and more smart phones being introduced, it won’t be long before QR Codes are everywhere. So don’t wait. You can create a QR Codes for free online.  Give it a try at this link:  http://goqr.me/ .

Here are a few example of how businesses are using QR Codes:

  1. Business Cards – A QR Code can create a vCard when scanned including phone numbers, web address, email etc.
  2. Postcards & Door Hangers – Someone reading  a postcard or door hanger, doesn’t have to be at his computer to view a website. Another benefit, is that the QR Code can be saved on the phone. Now URL addresses that are long or hard to spell can be loaded with the touch of a button.
  3. Storefront Window – Some restaurants have a QR Code hanging in their window with a quick link to a menu or daily specials. (QR Codes can be any size – some advertisers are using them on billboards)
  4. Coupons –  Advertise the QR Code of a webpage containing special offers that are updated regularly.
  5. Videos – Links to videos on You Tube or a website can be launched instantly.

Envelopes, stationery, brochures, T-shirts, signs – your imagination is the limit.

Even if you are not the most “tech savvy” individual,  using QR Codes will impress those that are and peak the curiosity of those that aren’t.

By the way, the QR Code in this Blog happens to be the web address of our Blog. If you have a smart phone, I hope you will scan it.

Don’t Get Mad At Shoppers

Most shoppers are looking for the best price. No one wants to pay too much. But unless they enjoy shopping (and some people do) most folks would rather be doing something else. The truth is, prices for most products and services are pretty much the same from one company to another. Yet, how many times have you presented your product or service to a prospect only to be told, “thanks, I’ll get back to you”. As we all know, that’s code for let me check around for a better price.

In frustration, I have seen many business owners advertise “WE’LL BEAT ANY PRICE BY 5% OR MORE!”. Does that tactic ever work? Are prospects going to spend time getting written estimates to present to you so you can beat someone else’s price? Or will they think to themselves, why didn’t you give me this price to begin with?

Why not confront the price issue head on? Ask the prospect: “Have You Been Shopping?”

If he answers: “YES”
Then ask him “How does my price compare?” If your price is much higher there can be 2 reasons:
1- The prospect is not comparing “apples with apples” and you’ve got an opportunity to straighten him out.
2- Your prices really are higher. If so you better address that fact.

If he answers: “NO”
Assume that he is going to.  You should inform the prospect that most reputable providers of your product or service have very similar prices and that he shouldn’t make his choice based on price alone.

With either of the above answers, you need to finish your presentation with the reason that the client should do business with you. Your “Claim To Fame” or whatever makes your offering unique and better than the competition.

If you can’t define what makes you better than the rest,  in real terms, then you may be doomed to suffer the horrible fate of always being at the mercy of those price shoppers.

By the way, don’t get upset with price shoppers. Chance are you are a price shopper too. Everyone starts out comparing prices until someone challenges that notion and gets them to compare features and benefits.

We try to get prospects to go to this page on our website – it addresses the price issue. Check it out: CLICK HERE

Are You Ready To Commit?

In the current economy, many business owners are wondering what to do to maintain and hopefully increase sales. The obvious solution is to advertise. Even some established businesses that have relied on word or mouth or reputation in the past, are considering some type of an advertising campaign. If you are one of them, regardless what media you choose, there is one word you should remember: “COMMITMENT”.

Remember, most advertising media works. TV, radio, direct mail, newspapers, billboards, door hangers, etc may be new methods of advertising for your business, but they have been proven effective for thousands of others. Of course, some media choices for your particular business are better than others. You’ve got to do some research, evaluate costs and your budget, and then make a choice. Chances are you will make the right one.

Choosing which media to use is only the first step. After you launch your campaign, you have to evaluate the “R O I” (Return On Investment). Yes, advertising is an investment, and like many investments, it may take a little time for your investment to pay off. True, sometimes, advertising may seem more like a visit to a casino. You make a bet and once in a while luck is on your side. Smart businessmen try to avoid that hit and miss cycle.

So what is the answer? Commitment! Stick with it. Advertising is hard. It is a process. You have to advertise, carefully evaluate the results, fine tune your campaign and then try it again. That is the hard part. It may seem as though you are putting good money after bad.  But remember, it is an “investment”. Don’t cut your losses and run after just one try. Even if no one responds to your advertising, that is still a result. Obviously not the result you were hoping for, but a result just the same. Poor or no response can reveal things about your prices, your competition even your reputation if you are honest with yourself.

A last word caution. When shopping for advertising (or anything else for that matter) don’t use price as your only consideration. If you are not an expert in the field, then find a supplier that can educate you as well as provide the product or service you are seeking. Getting the right advice can be priceless!

6 Reasons To Use Door Hanger Advertising

Congratulations for considering Door Hanger Advertising for your business. Door Hangers are one of the best methods for small businesses to attract new customers. Here are 6 reasons why:

    Why is this true? Because you are physically putting the door hanger on the prospects front door. It is going to be removed and in the process, your prospect will at least glance at it. If it is designed properly, you’ll get his attention and if he needs your product or service, you have a chance for a sale. Not everyone gets the newspaper. Even those that get a paper may not read it from beginning to end, so your ad may never be seen. How about radio or TV? Do you have a budget to cover multiple stations at all times during the day?  Probably not. Billboards, signs, even aerial banner planes can be a hit or miss situation. Most other media options can not compare to the success of door hangers.
    Can you believe the amount of retail shopping plazas that have been built in the past 20 years? Each one seems to be a clone of the one just down the street offering the same lineup of stores. So when advertising, it is more important than ever to geographically target the homes closest to your location. Set your own distribution territory and distribute your door hangers to the homes that are your best prospects. You can even use demographic factors when deciding where to distribute. For example: newer houses are usually owned by younger families with children. Some neighborhoods are decidedly ethnic. Trendy apartments are often inhabited by young single professionals, and so on.
    Tracking response is easy with door hanger advertising. Include a special offer that can only be redeemed with the return of the door hanger. If you can’t measure results you won’t be able to make the right advertising decisions. Keep close track of which offers work best and get rid of the offers that don’t.
    How do you know? Divide what you spend on your door hanger campaign by the number of customers or leads generated. Once you have your cost per lead deduct it from the profit you make on a sale to calculate your return on investment. Do the math. You will find that door hanger advertising  is one of the most affordable methods you can choose.
    Timing is everything. Launch your campaign on your schedule. Plan for the entire year using holiday and seasonal themes to get more attention. Increase or decrease distribution schedules based on how busy you are. Instantly launch a new product or service.
    When you advertise in the newspaper or other media, you are also sending your advertising strategy to your competitors. With a door hanger distribution, for the most part, your advertising is between you and your prospects.

If you decide to personally deliver your door hangers, there is another benefit – exercise! Walking door to door is good for your health and the thought of promoting your business in the process is good for your spirit! Wishing your and your business All the Best!

3 Steps To A Successful Door Hanger Advertising Campaign

Many small businesses have discovered that Door Hanger Advertising is an effective and affordable marketing method. Door Hangers allow you to advertise on demand. Distribution costs are lower than postage and results can be evaluated almost immediately.

Over the years we have put together a three step process for a Successful Door Hanger Campaign. The steps are in the form of questions: WHAT, WHO and HOW. Here are the details:

Step 1 – WHAT?

What are you going to promote? Be specific. Avoid including a long laundry list of products or services. Pick your most popular or best value. Promote a sale item or introduce something new. Less copy and large type is important. You only have a few seconds to grab the readers attention.

Step 2 – WHO?

Who are you targeting? Pick the neighborhoods that you feel will produce the greatest response. Distribute door hangers in neighborhoods that are closest to your location. You can also factor in some demographic information by evaluating home values. Schools indicate the presence of families with children, apartments can indicate younger or older residents.

Step 3 – HOW?

How are you going to get your prospects to respond? You are probably going to need a special offer. The stronger the better. This is the most important factor in delivering a good response rate. Make sure the offer is featured prominently and can be seen at a glance. Our graphic artists will help you create a custom door hanger that will maximize your offer and call to action.

Some closing thoughts. As with all advertising, repetition is one of the keys to success, so it is important to establish a budget and a schedule for your door hanger campaigns. Expect a little bit of trial and error. Don’t be discouraged if response is lower than you expected. Fine tune your next door hanger and try again. If you distribute door hangers on a regular basis you will find that response will continue to improve and eventually become predictable.

Door Hangers Can Generate Leads, But You Have To Make The Sale.

Door Hanger distribution is a great way to generate leads for your business, but a lead is not a sale. It is opportunity to make a sale, which means someone at your business has got to be a salesman. At many small businesses, the salesman is often the owner or manager. Unfortunately many small business owners are not comfortable with that responsibility.

Why not? What kind of image do you think of when you hear the word salesman? Some fast talking individual trying to pressure someone into buying a product or service? That is not what sales is all about. Zig Ziglar, the world famous sales trainer and motivator once said, “You can get anything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want”. I think that is one of the best descriptions of sales that I have ever heard. In other words, sales is helping other people fulfill their needs. Selling someone something that will help them solve a problem or give them enjoyment is a great way to make a living. Learn more about Zig Ziglar at his website www.ZigZiglar.com

Our company offers Direct Marketing Solutions to small businesses. Door Hangers are one of the products we sell. Our job is to help small businesses get new customers. If we think that Door Hanger distribution is the right solution for a prospect, then it is our job to convince him that our product is the best value available. It’s easy because we believe in our product. That’s sales and we are proud to be salesmen. So should you.

Door Hanger Advertising for A Mortgage Company

mortgageHere are a few Ideas for Mortgage Brokers that have been used successfully by our clients. Use one or a combination, but don’t over crowd the door hanger with too much information. The door hanger must pass “The Glance Test”, which means the reader will know what the card is about with just a passing glance. This can make the difference between getting noticed or being tossed out as junk mail.

  1. Highlight One Main Loan Type
    While it may be a good idea to include a “laundry list” of all your loan types and services, don’t make that the highlight of your ad. That type of ad is better suited for a directory, like the yellow pages. When people go the the yellow pages, or some other directory, they have already decided to investigate a new home loan. Direct marketing presents more of a challenge. We are trying to get the attention of a prospect who is probably not thinking about a home loan as he removes your hanger from his door. Your goal is to make the prospect excited about our loan offer. Pick your most popular and best loan offer and promote it in a tantalizing way. Remember, all we are trying to do is generate a lead.
  2. I’m Afraid To Look At My Credit Score!
    The first step in applying for a loan is checking the applicants credit score. People usually hate this part. Scores are never as high as anticipated. Take the sting out of that process by offering a FREE Credit Score and Analysis. You might include copy like this: “We’ll work with you regardless of your credit score. We’ll even show you how to improve your score as fast as possible.” You can even charge an upfront fee for the service to be refunded at closing and still call it free.
  3. Do You Represent More Than One Loan Institution?
    Then make sure prospects know you have a number of companies to place their mortgage with. Use the phrase:”We Shop And You SAVE!”
  4. It’s All About You
    When you are advertising your services, it is not the time to be modest. Securing a mortgage is a one on one,  personal service. Include your photo and a brief resume on your postcard. You may be surprised how many people recognize you, especially if you mail to homes in your own neighborhood. Humanize your image by including memberships in community organizations or church groups.
  5. Let The Prospect Pre-Qualify Themselves
    If you have a loan offering with specific requirements try listing them on the door hanger. Income, Credit Score, Length of Employment, etc. – Use this headline: “Pre-Qualify Yourself For A New Loan – If You Meet This Criteria, Call Today And Let’s Get Started!”.
  6. Benefits Not Details
    Use your postcard to highlight the benefits of a particular loan not the details. Save Money, Get Cash Out, Lower Your Payment, etc. The purpose of the postcard is to generate a lead, not make the sale. Keep it brief and as tantalizing as possible.

Door Hanger Advertising Ideas For A Home Remodeling Company

handyman1Here are a few Ideas for a Home Remodeling Company that have been used successfully by our clients. Use one or a combination, but don’t over crowd the door hanger with too much information. The postcard must pass “The Glance Test”, which means the reader will know what the card is about with just a passing glance. This can make the difference between getting noticed or being tossed out as junk advertising.

  1. Make A Specific Offer
    While it may be a good idea to include a “laundry list” of all the home remodeling services that you offer, don’t make that the highlight of your ad. That type of ad is better suited for a directory, like the yellow pages. When people go the the yellow pages, or some other directory, they have already decided to investigate a remodeling project. Direct marketing presents more of a challenge. We are trying to get the attention of a prospect who is probably not thinking about a home remodeling as he removes your hanger from his door. Your goal is to get the prospect excited about a project. Offer a home remodeling project that is popular and a great value and then, promote it in a tantalizing way. Remember, all we are trying to do is generate a lead.
  2. Go Fishing For New Customers – Use A Price As The Bait
    We are not suggesting a “Bait and Switch”, an attractive price for a specific service will “lure” more prospects to respond. Which offer do you think sounds better? A) “Storm Windows Replaced – Call Now And Save!” or  B) “Storm Windows Replaced – Most Homes In This Neighborhood Only $195 per Window!” .You can always include a disclaimer such as: “most homes”,  “window size”, “single story homes only”, etc. Some will see a price and say, “that’s too expensive”, but others will remark “I didn’t realize it was so reasonable.”Prices pre-qualify prospects before they call.
  3. Call “The Honest Contractor”
    It may sound corny, but people are wary of tradesman. Everyone hates the idea of getting ripped off. Remember, you are asking for an invitation to go inside someones home to provide an estimate. Include your photo on the door hanger. It will make the door hanger more personal (you may be surprised how many people recognize you). You name and a photo sends a message that you are proud of your company and your work.  If you have a crew, show a group photo and they should be in some sort of uniform (even a nice t-shirt).
  4. Use Full Color Door Hangers With Lots Of Photos
    It’s true, a picture is worth a 1000 words, or more! Include a photos of your work. If you have before and after shots, even better. Along with the photos add a few testimonials and a line that says additional references available on request.
  5. I Guarantee It!
    “We show up when we say we will, we treat your home like it is our own and we’ll finish on time and within budget. I own the company, I’ll be at the job and I guarantee the work”. That’s Powerful.
  6. Build A Foundation Of New Customers In Your Own Neighborhood
    Why not prospect in the neighborhood where you live. USPS Carrier Route Maps make it easy to target specific neighborhoods. People like to do business with locals. You can even offer a neighborhood discount.

Door Hanger Advertising Ideas For A Cleaning Service

girl-cleaningWhether you are targeting new residential or commercial clients, Door Hanger Distribution is a great way to get new customers for your cleaning service. Here are a few ideas that our clients have used successfully in the past.

  1. Concentrate Your Customers – Save Time, Save Gas, Clean More Homes!
    Distribute Door Hangers where you currently have the highest  concentration of customers.  Plan a distribution  to these neighborhoods every 4 – 5 weeks.
  2. Is Having A Cleaning Service  A Luxury?
    To many people it is, but it’s got to be an affordable luxury if you want them to consider it. Actually, for working couples with kids, a cleaning service has become less of a luxury and more of a necessity. Try using this headline: “Think You Can’t Afford A Cleaning Service… Call Us, You May Be Surprised!” Then go on to describe that you have programs available to fit most budgets. By varying what you clean, and how often you clean, you can make it affordable.
  3. Show A Price
    Give prospects an idea of the cost of your service. For example, “Most Homes In This Neighborhood Cleaned For $79 or Less!”.  In fact, you should include a menu of prices for a variety of services. Some will see a price and say, “that’s too expensive”, but others will remark “I didn’t realize it was so reasonable.” Prices pre-qualify prospects before they call.
  4. FREE Cleaning Service!
    You are probably thinking “…that’s easy for you to say”.  Try this offer: FREE CLEANING SERVICE (Headline) and then a disclaimer – For new customers. Get 2 cleanings at our regular low price and your 3rd cleaning is Free! That works out to a 33% discount. Plus, after 3 cleanings in a row, it is probably safe to say you’ve got a new regular customer.
  5. It’s All About You!
    Do you have a small operation? Try this headline to emphasize your personal service: “I Own The Company, I Clean The Homes, I Guarantee Your Satisfaction!” Include your photo and you will have a very powerful message on your postcard. If you have a crew, then show their photo. The more personal and professional your image, the more likely it is that a homeowner will trust you inside their home.
  6. Promote Your Website With Direct Mail
    Don’t have one? You should. And it should contain more than just a laundry list of your services. Include testimonials, cleaning tips, monthly specials on seasonal cleaning services and more.  The website should have plenty of good content that can be used to sell new clients and keep the ones you have.
  7. Offer Residential Service To Your Corporate Clients
    No corporate clients? How about a “Friends And Family” Promotion. Offer discounts to the friends and family of your current residential clients.