door hanger distribution

When Distributing Door Hangers, What’s More Important, Reach or Frequency?

The video below was produced with a Direct Mail Advertising Campaign in mind, however balancing reach and frequency can also determine the success of a Door Hanger Distribution Campaign.

The video is only about a minute – so why not watch it now?


Sell More Buy Selling Just 1 Thing!

Here is our latest training video. Sell more by selling just 1 thing. It’s a tale of 2 salesmen. See which one is more successful and why. Use the lesson learned for your Door Hanger Distribution Campaign.


How To Use Carrier Route Maps To Plan Distribution By Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)

Zip Codes are broken down into carrier routes.

A carrier route is the daily delivery route of a mail carrier (usually 300-500 addresses)

Carrier routes are shown on the map below with a 5 digit code.

Example: 23C08 – The first 2 digits (23) are the last 2 numbers of the Zip Code (33023).

The next 3 characters (23C08) is the Carrier Route Number.

Use the chart below to cross reference the Carrier Routes shown on the map to find the total number of deliveries. A breakdown of single family and multi family homes is shown for information purposes only. To qualify for EDDM rates, all of the residential addresses must be included. Businesses can be added, however, businesses cannot be mailed without residential addresses.

Example: 33023 C008 (shown on map as 23C08)

Single Family Homes = 406
Multi Family Homes (Apartments) = 107
Trailers = 0
Sub Total = 513
Businesses = 48
Grand Total = 561

If this route is selected, it can be mailed 2 ways.
With only the residential addresses = 513 or if the businesses are included = 561

General Information About Mailing EDDM

Post Office Drop Off

The mailings must be dropped off at the Post Office which handles mail for the Zip Code selected.
If multiple Zip Codes – each must be dropped off at their respective post office.

Minimum and Maximum Pieces

Minimum daily mailing is 200 pieces and the maximum is 5000.

Postage Rate 14.2¢ Per Piece – Pay As You Mail

The entire carrier route count must be mailed at the same time.

If multiple carrier routes are purchased, they can be mailed all at once or one at a time.

Example: Refer to the chart above. If all carrier routes in Zip Code 33023 are purchased (10).
All 4742 pieces can be mailed at once or individually on whatever schedule the mailer chooses.

Payment for each carrier is made on the day of mailing.
C008 with 513 pieces would cost 513 x .142 = $72.85

Revealed: The Secret To Door Hanger Advertising Success


Repetition is one of the most important parts of any advertising.

Repetition is one of the most important parts of any advertising.


National firms, like companies that sell auto insurance rely on repetition to create a “top of mind awareness”. They recognize the fact that consumers may not be ready to purchase insurance the first time they see their ads. To prove the premise, fill in the blanks with the name of the auto insurance company below:

  • You’re in Good Hands with ____________________
  • Like a Good Neighbor ____________________ is there
  • Call ____________________ , 15 Minutes Can Save You 15% On Car Insurance

Chances are you got all 3 right. It’s the result of repetitive advertising.

Studies have shown the importance of repetition. The more we see or hear something, the more likely we are to believe it and act on it. One report says that 59% of respondents will believe and remember the information they receive if they see or hear it 3 to 5 times.


So how does this relate to Door Hanger Advertising? Think of it this way. If your goal is to “Grow Your Business”… for the same budget, it is better to distribute door hangers to 1000 prospects 3 times, than to distribute to 3000 prospects 1 time.

Here is an excerpt from an article by the National Federation of Independent Business:

“When designing and placing ads, many small business owners search for the magic bullet: an ad that is so compelling that customers will immediately pick up the phone and call to make an appointment. Remember, advertising is a process, not a one-time event. Advertising research has shown that a consumer usually needs to see an ad five to seven times before responding. This is what the ad industry calls the rule of seven.”


We recommend a monthly distribution schedule in most cases. The important thing to remember is be consistent. Work out a plan that will fit your budget and then stick to it. Momentum will build.

Advertising can be expensive, here’s how to change that.

Advertising can be expensive, when it doesn’t work well.

However, when a campaign is successful, it won’t cost you money, it will make you money!

How can we improve the results of your next door hanger distribution? By generating a bigger response. Well, it’s the message (or special offer) that makes people respond, right? So consider “Kicking It Up A Notch”!

Here are two examples:


A Pizza Shop Distributes 3000 Full Color Door Hangers with the Usual Coupons

– ESTIMATED RESPONSE: 3% – Or about 90 coupons redeemed
– COST PER RESPONSE: Cost of the door hangers $367 divided by 90 = $4.07
– REVENUE GENERATED: Average sale $20 x 90 responses = $1800 – not too bad


What if we “Kick It Up A Notch” and make a really remarkable offer:
“Try Our Pizza – Get a FREE Large Cheese Pizza, No Strings Attached”!

– ESTIMATED RESPONSE: An offer like that could triple the response rate to 9% or 270 coupons
– COST PER RESPONSE: Cost of the door hangers $367 divided by 270 = $1.36 (Much Lower!)
– ADJUSTED COST PER RESPONSE: Add in the cost of the “FREE” Pizza at $3.50 + $1.36 = $4.86
– REVENUE GENERATED: With a FREE Pizza, the average sale will drop to about $8  X 270 = $2160


But don’t evaluate the success of the door hanger campaign by only the revenue generated from the coupons.

Let’s say of all coupons redeemed about 30% were new customers.

– NEW CUSTOMERS GENERATED with the Usual Coupon Offers: 30% of 90 = 27 New Customers

– NEW CUSTOMERS GENERATED with the FREE Pizza Offer: 30% of 270 = 81 New Customers

Consider the “Value Of A New Customer” over the next year (or longer).

– How many times will he purchase over the next year?
– How much will he spend over the next year?
– How many friends or family members will he tell about your Pizza?

Maintaining regular customers by rewarding them with special offers and at the same time generating new customers… that is how to Grow Your Business!

In both examples, enough revenue was generated to justify the cost of the promotion without even taking into consideration the potential of future business from new customers.

The usual coupons or a very special offer? You decide how aggressive you want to be.


4 Factors That Affect Door Hanger Advertising Response Rates

You should never be satisfied with the response rate of your Door Hanger Advertising Campaigns. To be effective, Door Hanger Campaigns, and most forms of advertising, require tracking, evaluation and fine tuning in order to achieve the highest possible response rate.

When we evaluate the response of a Door Hanger Campaign, we use this 4 point check list:

    [    ] STRONG
    [    ] AVERAGE
    [    ] WEAK
    [    ] STRONG
    [    ] AVERAGE
    [    ] WEAK
    [    ] STRONG
    [    ] AVERAGE
    [    ] WEAK
  4. DISTRIBUTION PLAN (Repetitive Distribution Strategy i.e. Distribute to 3000 prospects 1 time or to 1000 prospects 3 times?)
    [    ] STRONG
    [    ] AVERAGE
    [    ] WEAK

If possible, when fine tuning the door hanger, try not to change everything at once or you will be starting from scratch each time. Try the isolate which of the 4 factors is the weakest link. The distribution area and the design should be pretty solid before launching the first campaign. Usually it’s the magnet or special offer that affects the response rate the most.

When setting up a distribution strategy, remember, higher priced products and services may take a series of distributions to generate response unlike lower priced items that are bought on impulse.

The good news is that after a few campaigns, response rates should be very predictable. At that point, every distribution is an opportunity to increase sales.

If you would like us to help you evaluate the results of your last campaign – just give us a call 866-585-0965.

6 Reasons To Use Door Hanger Advertising

Congratulations for considering Door Hanger Advertising for your business. Door Hangers are one of the best methods for small businesses to attract new customers. Here are 6 reasons why:

    Why is this true? Because you are physically putting the door hanger on the prospects front door. It is going to be removed and in the process, your prospect will at least glance at it. If it is designed properly, you’ll get his attention and if he needs your product or service, you have a chance for a sale. Not everyone gets the newspaper. Even those that get a paper may not read it from beginning to end, so your ad may never be seen. How about radio or TV? Do you have a budget to cover multiple stations at all times during the day?  Probably not. Billboards, signs, even aerial banner planes can be a hit or miss situation. Most other media options can not compare to the success of door hangers.
    Can you believe the amount of retail shopping plazas that have been built in the past 20 years? Each one seems to be a clone of the one just down the street offering the same lineup of stores. So when advertising, it is more important than ever to geographically target the homes closest to your location. Set your own distribution territory and distribute your door hangers to the homes that are your best prospects. You can even use demographic factors when deciding where to distribute. For example: newer houses are usually owned by younger families with children. Some neighborhoods are decidedly ethnic. Trendy apartments are often inhabited by young single professionals, and so on.
    Tracking response is easy with door hanger advertising. Include a special offer that can only be redeemed with the return of the door hanger. If you can’t measure results you won’t be able to make the right advertising decisions. Keep close track of which offers work best and get rid of the offers that don’t.
    How do you know? Divide what you spend on your door hanger campaign by the number of customers or leads generated. Once you have your cost per lead deduct it from the profit you make on a sale to calculate your return on investment. Do the math. You will find that door hanger advertising  is one of the most affordable methods you can choose.
    Timing is everything. Launch your campaign on your schedule. Plan for the entire year using holiday and seasonal themes to get more attention. Increase or decrease distribution schedules based on how busy you are. Instantly launch a new product or service.
    When you advertise in the newspaper or other media, you are also sending your advertising strategy to your competitors. With a door hanger distribution, for the most part, your advertising is between you and your prospects.

If you decide to personally deliver your door hangers, there is another benefit – exercise! Walking door to door is good for your health and the thought of promoting your business in the process is good for your spirit! Wishing your and your business All the Best!

Door Hangers Can Generate Leads, But You Have To Make The Sale.

Door Hanger distribution is a great way to generate leads for your business, but a lead is not a sale. It is opportunity to make a sale, which means someone at your business has got to be a salesman. At many small businesses, the salesman is often the owner or manager. Unfortunately many small business owners are not comfortable with that responsibility.

Why not? What kind of image do you think of when you hear the word salesman? Some fast talking individual trying to pressure someone into buying a product or service? That is not what sales is all about. Zig Ziglar, the world famous sales trainer and motivator once said, “You can get anything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want”. I think that is one of the best descriptions of sales that I have ever heard. In other words, sales is helping other people fulfill their needs. Selling someone something that will help them solve a problem or give them enjoyment is a great way to make a living. Learn more about Zig Ziglar at his website

Our company offers Direct Marketing Solutions to small businesses. Door Hangers are one of the products we sell. Our job is to help small businesses get new customers. If we think that Door Hanger distribution is the right solution for a prospect, then it is our job to convince him that our product is the best value available. It’s easy because we believe in our product. That’s sales and we are proud to be salesmen. So should you.